Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Struggling to Survive

This photograph entitled "Struggling to Survive," was taken by Vega Omer. It elicits a lot of emotion, particularly sadness, despair and isolation. The picture gives a "last resort" kind of feel, through the determination and worry on the mothers' faces with their children in their arms, and the massive amount of mothers on the left side of the gate. The gate frames each side of the photograph so well; they are such opposites, one side almost bare, and one without any room for movement. The shadow from a building on the right side of the photo also frames the two men pushing the gate and emphasizes this part's emptiness. After researching this photograph further, I found that this was taken after a famine in Niger at a therapeutic center for malnourished children, whose capacity is only 200 children. The center is run by the Africa Muslim Agency, and they simply could not accommodate more patients. Without knowing where or when the photograph was taken, I thought it was a representation of the world: one side struggling to make it through a gate or advance in their lives, while another side tries to keep them out, whether intentionally or unintentionally.

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