el Cielo y la Tierra" by Cristina Garcia Rodero From magnumphotos.com
This picture stands out for
both its content and its composition. At first glance one might think it is a
portrait of a war torn middle eastern country, but anyone with familiarity with
the movement will recognize this desert as being in Nevada, home to the Burning
Man festival. An art and alternative community festival held every fall in
Black Rock City, NE. Obviously what really draws the eye is the masked person
hovering in the hoop. This is a fleeting moment of almost no importance, but
the photographer has immortalized it and given it meaning through the frame.
Another interesting aspect of this picture is that none of the peoples faces
are clear; the main subject is wearing a full on mask, but everyone else's
faces is painted, or obscured. In addition, everything in the frame is actively
moving towards the bottom right corner.

High Speed Liquid and Bubble Photographs by Heinz Maier
This photo was taken with a high speed camera and is representative of modern trends, at least in popular internet photography. It is unclear whether this photo was edited beyond basic touch ups, but it does beg a lot of questions about its construction. Obviously this splash was meant to remind the viewer of a blossoming flower, but since these moments cannot be seen with the naked eye, the photographer must have just had to try a huge amount of splash techniques and taken a huge amount of photos until capturing this shot, with the red reflection, just the way he meant to capture it. This is an example of where the photographer creates the image both in the real world and in the frame of the camera, very different from the photographers we are studying in ART 104.
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